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Climate Change May Disrupt Butterfly Flight Seasons


难度: 六级  |  词数: 335  |  更新日期: 2013-12-18  |  文章来源: sciencedaily.com
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The flight season timing of a wide variety of butterflies is responsive to temperature and could be altered by climate change, according to a UBC study that leverages more than a century's worth of museum and weather records.

Researchers from UBC, the Université de Sherbrooke and the University of Ottawa combed through Canadian museum collections of more than 200 species of butterflies and matched them with weather station data going back 130 years. They found butterflies possess a widespread temperature sensitivity, with flight season occurring on average 2.4 days earlier per degree Celsius of temperature increase.

"With warmer temperatures butterflies emerge earlier in the year, and their active flight season occurs earlier," says Heather Kharouba, lead author of the paper published this week in Global Change Biology. "This could have several implications for butterflies. If they emerge too early, they could encounter frost and die. Or they might emerge before the food plants they rely on appear and starve."

"Butterflies are also a bell-weather, and provide an early warning signal for how other wildlife may respond to climate change," adds Kharouba, who conducted the research while completing her PhD at UBC, and is now a post-doctoral researcher with the University of California , Davis.

The researchers utilized the day of collection found in records to estimate the timing of flight season for each species, and compared it with the historical weather data.

The study was possible thanks to the massive amount of data housed in museum collections and records. Much of the butterfly data in Canada has been centralized via the Canadian National Collection of Butterflies -- records in British Columbia being the exception. To gather data for this province, Kharouba relied on private collections. Only a small portion of the butterfly specimens found in UBC's Beaty Biodiversity Museum-Vancouver natural history museum are databased.

"Museum collection records are an under-exploited resource of ecological data and can provide a window into the past, and potentially the future," says Kharouba. "We should invest to properly database and centralize more of these records."

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  • a variety of... 各种各样, 种种, 多种
  • be responsive to... 积极响应...
  • according to 根据,据(某人)所述
  • more than 超过, 不只
  • Université de Sherbrooke 谢布鲁克大学
  • University of Ottawa 渥太华大学
  • match...with... 1) 将...和...配对, 找和...相称的... 2) 使...同...较量, 使...同...竞赛
  • weather station 气象站
  • on average 平均, 按平均数计
  • this week 这个星期
  • rely on... 依赖..., 指望...
  • early warning 预先警报
  • respond to... 1) (口头或书面)回应,回答 2) 作出反应,响应
  • University of California, Davis 加州大学戴维斯分校
  • compare...with... 把...与...作比较
  • thanks to 由于;幸亏
  • British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚
  • natural history 博物学;(某地区的)动植物研究

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