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禁止采购Windows 8 给国产商带来机会

文章来源:chinadaily | 更新日期:2014-05-22
More business opportunities will be available to home-made operating systems after China banned Microsoft Corp's Windows 8 in new government purchases, analysts said on Wednesday.
分析师星期三表示, 由于中国禁止在新的政府采购活动中购买微软公司的Windows 8,给国产操作系统带来更多机会。 
[句子结构分析] analysts said on Wednesday 置于句子后边是典型的英文句子表述方式,汉语一般置于句首。习惯了英文句子这种说话人后置的情况后,看新闻句子就会轻松一点。

A big question mark remains, however, because local providers may not be ready to take over the multi-billion-yuan market from overseas giants.
然而,仍然存在一个大问题, 因为本土供应商可能还没有准备好从海外巨头接过这个高达几十亿元的市场。
[句子结构分析] however (虽然)在汉语中通常位于句首,但英语喜欢将其插入到句子中。 读者要尽量习惯英语的这种情况,以便在阅读时排除插入语的干扰。除了however之外,经常这样做的词汇还有nevertheless(然而),in fact(实际上),of course(当然)等。

"The ban is a golden opportunity for Chinese software companies to gain ground but it also challenges their product and technology levels," said Zhang Yumu, vice-president of online security company Beijing Rising Information Technology Co Ltd.
“禁令给中国软件企业带来了千载难逢的机遇,但他们的产品和技术水平也面临挑战”,互联网安全公司北京瑞星信息技术有限公司副总裁Zhang Yumu说。

Zhang's remarks came after the Central Government Procurement Center on Tuesday excluded Microsoft's flagship OS from the government's energy saving products purchase list.

According to the website of Central Government Procurement Center, this batch of energy saving procurement products should be in accordance with seven criteria which apply in information product category, including desktop computers, tablets, notebook computers, integrated computers and various printers.

Wide use of overseas software in governments, military projects and crucial industries such as energy has been raising security concerns for the Chinese government since last year.
自去年以后,政府, 军事项目和能源等关键行业大量使用海外软件,已使中国政府安全隐患增加。

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