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文章来源:chinadaily | 更新日期:2014-05-10
China opens telecoms market

China eased its grip on the telecommunications market on Friday by letting local carriers determine service charges rather than follow a government-set price range. (1)

"The market should decide prices for all telecom services," said a joint statement from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission.


"Carriers will be able to set charging, billing and price structure," it said. The regulators also abolished some regulations on telecom service charges.

"This sudden announcement marks full-marketization of China’s telecom industry," said Xiang Ligang, founder of telecom website CCTime.com.
“这突如其来的声明标志着中国电信行业的全面市场化,” 电信网站CCTime.com创始人Xiang Ligang说。

1) 句子的谓语早早就出现,为第二个词eased,采用了一般过去时的时态。
2) 接下来是接连几个作状语的介词短语。这些介词短语分别是 on…market, on Friday, 和 by letting…。
3) letting 为动名词作介词by的宾语。letting 后边则是 let sb do sth 的动词结构。语法上讲 determine是不带 to 的不定式,这个不定式是carriers 的宾语补足语。follow也是不定式,与动词determine并列。连接这两个动词的并列连词是 rather than, 其意思为 “而不是”。

下面我们再来举几个rather than 的例子
She is a nurse rather than a doctor. 她是一位护士,而不是一名医生。
They boiled the potatoes rather than fried them. 他们煮土豆而不是煎土豆。

上一篇: 马方发布初步报告
下一篇: 美国客机险些撞上无人遥控飞机

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