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have to 和 have got to 的用法

文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2013-06-23

1. have to 的意思为 “不得不” “得”。 must 与 have to 的区别为: 前者表示主观意愿的 “必须”, 而后者表示客观上的必要性。

You must take good care of my daughter. 你一定要照顾好我的女儿。
You must answer all these questions. 你一定要回答全部问题。

To go abroad, you have to apply for visas. 要出国你必须申请签证。
If you want a share of the pay, you have to do your share of the work. 要想得到你应有的报酬,就必须做好应该做的工作。

2.have to 结构的疑问形式和否定形式都借助助动词do 来构成。
Do I have to go with you? 我一定要和你一起去吗?
Does Mary have to finish her work tonight? 玛丽一定要今晚完成工作吗?
What do I have to do to become an engineer? 要成为工程师我需要做些什么?
You don't have to get up so early. 你不需要那么早起。
They don't have to worry too much for me. 他们不需要为我担心太多。

3. have to 结构可用于多种时态和语态, have to 之前也可有其它情态动词。
I missed the last bus so I had to walk home yesterday. 我昨天错过了最后一班车,只好走路回家。
To become an engineer you'll have to take many mathematic and science courses. 要成为一名工程师,你需要修读很多数理课程。
Did you have to pay the fine? 你需要付那笔罚款吗?
If it hadn't been for your help, I would have had to lose my job. 如果不是你帮忙,我肯定会丢了工作。
I'd have to get my parents' consent to my marriage. 我希望我的婚姻能得到父母的同意。
A lot of readers' letters have to be answered. 有一大堆读者的信要回。
This house has to be cleaned. 这间别墅需要打扫。

We may have to cancel this trip due to the weather. 由于天气的原因,我们可能要取消这次旅行。

4. have got to 是 have to 的另一种写法
I've got to go now. 我得走了。
He has got to be in the office by twelve. 他必须在十二点前回到办公室。
Has she got to change her jeans for skirt? 她一定要把牛仔裤换成短裙吗?

上一篇: be able to 的用法
下一篇: had better(best) 的用法

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