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文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2013-06-23

* Although it's raining, they are still working in the field. 虽然在下雨,但他们仍在地里干活。
* Though it was cold, she still wore a skirt. 尽管天气冷,她还是穿了裙子。
* We'll make a trip even though the weather is bad. 尽管天气很糟,我们还是去旅行。
* I'll get there even if I have to sell my house to get enough money to go by air. 就算我要卖掉房子筹够钱坐飞机,我也会去那里的。
* However hard I try, I cannot understand this question. 不管我怎么努力,还是弄不懂这个问题。
* Wherever you go, you should work hard. 不管你去哪里,都要努力工作。
* Whoever goes hungry, he won't. 不管别的什么人挨饿,他不会。
* Whatever he says, don't trust him. 不管他说什么,都不要相信他。
* No matter what happened, he would not say a word. 不管发生什么, 他都不会说一句话。
* No matter how expensive it may be, I'll take it. 无论它有多贵,我也要买下它。

* Whether you play or watch TV, you mustn't disturb me. 不管你是玩还是看电视,都不要打扰到我。
* Much as I respect him, I can't agree to his proposal. 尽管我尊敬他,我不能同意他的建议。
* Tired as he was, he sat up late. 他虽然疲倦,可仍然很晚才睡。
* Child as he is, he knows a lot. 虽然他是个孩子,但他却很懂事。
* Successful as he is, he is not proud. 他虽然成功,但不骄傲。
* Poor though they are, they are warm-hearted. 虽然他们很穷,他们很热心。

上一篇: 原因状语从句
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