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if 和 whether 的区别和用法

文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2022-02-17

if 除了可以引导条件句以外,还可以表示“是否”的含义。我们知道表示“是否”时,时常与 whether 互换。但是要注意的是,两者虽然都有“是否”的意思,但是用法上还是有所区别的,倘若不加以区分,很容易弄错。本篇将为大家区分这两词译为"是否"时用法上的区别。

例① I don’t know if he is right. = I don’t know whether he is right.(我不知道他是否正确。)
例② They didn’t tell me if they had won the game. = They didn’t tell me whether they had won the game.(他们没有告诉我他们有没有赢这场比赛。)

(2)在引导宾语从句表示“是否”时,倘若是做介词的宾语,只能用 whether。如:
例③ Let’s talk about whether they will come.(让我们说说他们会不会来。)

(3)引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句表示“是否”时,只能用 whether。如:
例④ Whether you buy it or not will make no difference. (你买不买都没关系。) (做主语)
例⑤ The question is whether they will buy. (问题是他们会不会买。)(做表语)
例⑥ The decision whether we should borrow from them must be made now.

简而言之,一般情况下表示“是否”时,我们最好都用 whether,因为它相对比较正式。而 if 趋于口语,而且使用的限制比较多。最后提醒一点,whether 除了表示“是否”还能表示“无论”的意思,表示“无论”时引导让步状语从句时相当于 no matter if。如:
例⑦ And I practiced my English every morning, no matter if it snows or rains.
=And I practiced my English every morning, whether it snows or rains.(我天天早上练习英语,风雨无阻。)
例⑧ West Lake may be compared to Beauty of the West, whether she is richly adorned or plainly dressed.
=West Lake may be compared to Beauty of the West, no matter if she is richly adorned or plainly dressed.(欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。)

上一篇: collect 和 gather 的区别
下一篇: imagine 和 visualize 的区别

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