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文章来源:句解霸 | 更新日期:2016-05-03


1) 前位限定词:包括 all, both, half, 以及倍数或分数如 double, twice, one-third, two-third 等。

2) 中位限定词:包括冠词a/an, the;物主代词 my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their; 指示代词 this, that, these, those; 不定代词 each, every, some, any, either, no, neither;名词所有格;疑问限定词 what(ever), which(ever), whose, whosever;单词enough。

3) 后位限定词: 包括基数词,序数词,量词,many, much, more, most, other, another, certain, last, next, past, additional, such等。(注: last, next, past, additional 等应位于不定代词之前)

He didn't eat anything in the last few days 过去几天他什么也没有吃。
He gave the young man all the three axes. 他把这三把斧子都给了这个年轻人。
By the end of July I'll have read all those books. 到七月底前,我会读完那些书。
Both his eyes were severely burned. 他的双眼都严重烧伤了。
Do you have any other problems? 你还有其他问题吗?
All these last few days, we have been busy fighting drought. 最近这几天,我们一直都在对付干旱。
We can't crush any more people into the hall. 我们再也不能让更多人挤进大厅了。
The speaker tried to rationalize his many political moves. 演讲者试图使他的许多政治动作合理化。
We'll have fine weather for the next few days. 接下来几天我们都会有好天气。
It is true that there are very few such incidents and that the overwhelming majority of our people disapprove of them. 这些事件诚然是极少数,并且绝大多数人并不赞同。

此外, 还有几点要注意:
1) such 也可以位于不定冠词a/an 之前,形成such a/an的固定搭配,表示“这么一个, 这样一个”的意思,如:
To have such an easy examination paper was a gift from the gods. 碰到这么容易的考卷可以说是上帝的恩赐。
I never know such a man. 我从来不认识这样一个人。

2) such 还可位于基数词之后,如:
This implies the existence of at least one such tree. 这意味着至少有一个这样的族系存在。
I count myself fortunate indeed to have two such generous and charming friends! 我能有这样两位慷慨大方,令人愉快的朋友,可谓三生有幸。

3) another 位于数词之前,如:
After another three hours, the snail returned with a tray full of food. 又过了三个小时,蜗牛带着一个装满食物的盘子回来。

下一篇: 反身代词短语、固定搭配

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